Saturday, 9 January 2010

Breaking the habbits

Well I survived week one of 2010, and the Christmas Weight has now gone...

I have to confess to this week a lot harder than previous, not the actual programme, that's easy enough to follow, but the self discipline...

I have one of my staff at work reminding me whenever I go near the treats that are out.

There was one day this week when my helper wasn't around though, so without anyone there to question me, I walked up the stairs to the chocolate machine, arguing with myself the whole way (I hope no one heard), having stared at the choices for what felt like five minutes before convincing myself a bar wasn't a good idea, so I forced myself to turn back and walk away from the machine, but it didn't finish there, because I had this pound in my hand I felt the need to spend it so I then walked all the way down to the drinks machine for a coke - I didn't even want coke, I realised at that moment that what I have is an addiction when it comes to putting food/drink in to my mouth. Having reasoned with myself again I decided to go back up the stairs and return to my desk empty handed before I had any other bright ideas....At least I got some exercise mind going up and down the stairs as I refrained from taking the lift (I haven't used that all week!!!)

To avoid further days like this, that evening, I gave the money from my purse to my husband to spend on our tea....since then I've just took food and drink to work with me and when it's gone it's gone (there's always the tap I can get water from free of charge)

This was working well until a staff member found half my present from Secret Santa had fallen off and was still in Santa's Sack from before was a chocolate bird filled with Smarties. This was like my worst nightmare, I had planned so well pre diet ensuring I had eaten every piece of chocolate in the house by the end of the 1st January, this even entailed force feeding two packs of chocolate fingers to my family who were across visiting.....I don't know quite how I managed this but I brought the bird home and gave it to my husband contents and all. I did however let myself have two small pieces of the shell.

On a positive side, exercise is one thing I seem to have done more of this week, a lot more than in a long time....On three days I went out in the snow for an hours walk with the hubby, and I also had my usual dance lesson, so I made up quite a few activity points. Plan is to do it all again this week (though hopefully minus the snow).

So here I am now, Saturday morning and weighing in a whole 2 lb lighter, I'm hoping next week to lose another 1 1/2 lb, that will then take me back to my three stone weight loss total.


  1. Well done on your weight loss.x Great start to the year. :o) What dance lessons are you doing?

  2. Thanks Twinkle Eyes.

    I do Latin American and Ballroom. I grew up watching my parents dance, then when Nick and I talked of getting married we decided we wanted to learn to dance properly for our wedding.

    It's been a long journey, we started out doing private lessons in Jan 08, as Nick wouldn't let anyone watch him dance. He had two left feet and I was recovering from a slipped disc which had seen me need a walking aid Sep 07 - Dec 07!But by June 09 our first dance was fully choreographed ready for our wedding, and after the honeymoon we couldn't keep ourselves from returning for lessons.

    Now that Nicks gained the confidence we are also looking at starting a Modern Sequence class when our dance school runs their next beginners group.x
